Every year since 1978, the Max Planck Society has awarded the Otto Hahn Medal to young researchers for outstanding scientific achievements, mostly in connection with their doctorate. The medal is endowed with 7500 euros in prize money. It has been recently announced that among the recipients of the Otto Hahn Medal 2023 are six researchers affiliated to Institutes within the Max Planck Law network.
Otto Hahn Medal 2023

Dominik Krell
For research on ‘Islamic Law in Saudi Arabia: Concepts, Practices and Developments’.

Anselm Küsters
For work on the influence of ordoliberalism on European competition law.

Anna Pingen
For comparative law research on the criminalization of direct and indirect motivation to commit crimes under German and French law.

Bruno Rodrigues de Lima
For research on Brazilian legal history and the history of the abolition of slavery.

Jonathan Schindler
For research on the topic ‘Money Laundering Legislation and Tax Law’.

Luke Dimitrios Spieke
For work on the foundations, potentials, and risks of EU values before the Court of Justice.