Minerva LAW Network

Minerva LAW Network

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The Minerva LAW (Legal and Academic Women’s) Network is an Initiative that aims at speaking to those researchers who have legal training, are undertaking legal research, and are thinking of pursuing a career in law, broadly defined. The remit of the network includes the traditional professional model: entering the legal profession and becoming a fully qualified lawyer according to standards and training of the jurisdiction.

Yet, there are other pathways too, including a career in a law faculty or school in a university setting. Employers outside of higher education also seek to recruit those with legal training. Government bodies and policy-makers rely on legal research; journalism, publishing and recruitment are also high profile alternative careers. There are also career paths in the supra- or international civil service or for a variety of non-governmental organisations.

Minerva LAW Network will act as a focal point to discuss pertinent issues, such as how to gain entry level positions, strategies for career advancement and barriers to progression, as well as other matters relating to gender and the law. It will bring female legal researchers in the Max Planck Society together with leaders in order to spark innovative and engaging discussions about career development.

Find the Minerva LAW Network on Instagram and X.


Former Organizers

Sarah Fuchs | Alice Margaria | Victoria Barnes | Magdalena Gebhart | Amber Maggio.

Get in touch with the Minerva LAW Network
