
8th Annual Max Planck Law PhD Workshop

Dear Fellow Doctoral Researchers,

We are excited to invite you to participate in the 8th Annual Max Planck Law PhD Workshop, to be held in conjunction with the Max Planck Law Annual Conference in Berlin. This workshop is open to all doctoral researchers of the Max Planck Law Institutes, regardless of the stage of your work, including first-year PhD candidates. It will take place on 23 October 2024 (Wednesday). This will allow you to attend the Max Planck Law Annual Conference, which will conclude just a day before.

The workshop provides a fantastic opportunity to present and discuss your research and ideas with your peers in a friendly setting, connect with other PhDs from the entire network, and exchange experiences. You will be coming from different legal sub-disciplines and research methods. This will make the experience stimulating and enriching, as well as enable the identification of possible areas for future collaboration.

As a selected participant, you can present your research, whether part of your PhD dissertation, a side project, or another research project you would like to share. Presentations will be limited to up to 15 minutes, followed by a 30-minute discussion and comments from other participants. You are welcome to use any means for illustrating your work as you deem fit. All workshop participants are expected to read and comment on each other’s papers. The workshop will be conducted in English.


To be considered as a possible participant, please submit a one-page CV and a one-page summary of your research (delivered as a single, two-page PDF file) by 6:00 PM on 16 August 16 September 2024, via the workshop organizer’s emails ( and Please use the subject line ‘Max Planck Law PhD Workshop 2024’. The number of participants is limited to 10 to ensure adequate time for discussion on every presentation. Confirmations and further information will be sent out by the workshop organizers (Katharina Ebner and Marc Bovermann at the end of September.

We cannot wait to welcome you to Berlin and exchange ideas at the workshop!

Katharina & Marc

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