
The Fight Against Impunity for International Crimes

In this talk, Judge Silvana Arbia will discuss the fight against impunity for crimes of international concern and reparation for victims. These are inseparable elements of a modern justice system. She will explain the central role of the International Criminal Court and contribution of women for its success. Her talk will provide an overview of the evolution of international criminal justice. It will also explain the system created by the Rome Statute in establishing an International Criminal Court. Here, she will detail the innovations concerning the status of victims in criminal procedures. This talk builds on her most relevant experiences in the first twenty years of functioning of the International Criminal Court. She argues for cooperation and complementarity between international jurisdiction and national jurisdictions. These are today’s reality and future prospects. She calls women to action for the consolidation and development of a universally recognized modern system of justice as a building block of world peace and security.

Silvana Arbia is the Honorary President of Section of the Supreme Court of Cassation of Italy. She was previously elected Registrar (Principal Administrative Officer) by the Judges of the International Criminal Court for a five-year term. She was a member of the Italian delegation to the Diplomatic Conference for the establishment of the International Criminal Court. She has had a long career in international law, as Chief of Prosecutions involving the direction and the management of twelve trial teams, the Evidence Unit and the Investigations Section and as Senior trial attorney, in the Office of the Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR).

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