
Methodological Pluralism in European Law

First European Law Group Conference for Young European Scholars

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law in cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V. will host the first European Law Group Conference for Young European Scholars on ‘Methodological Pluralism in European Law’. The conference wants to bring together young scholars and create a forum for ‘new voices’ of European legal research. It attempts to delve more deeply into the question of methodologies of contemporary European law research and map the multiplicity of approaches that are applied (or possibly may be applied) in this domain. A special focus will lie on current crises and challenges of European law methodology.

The conference is organized by the European Law Group, a new Initiative of Max Planck Law. The Group establishes cooperation between (Senior) Research Fellows of different Legal Max Planck Institutes working on European Law.

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