
CfP: 3rd Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Graduate Student Symposium

Call for Participation

Please consider applying to participate in the 3rd Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Graduate Student Symposium.

The Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Initiative is organizing its 3rd Graduate Student Symposium, with the goal of providing graduate students with an opportunity to present their research in the intersection of law, technology, and society.

The symposium is open to all graduate students, both at the MSc and PhD level. During the symposium, participating students will have an opportunity to present their research to their peers and Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Initiative organizers, and receive feedback on their work, as well as meet other researchers with similar research interests. We hope to recruit a diverse set of participants, to enable a lively discussion and feedback on interdisciplinary work.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: 1 March 2024
Notification sent to participants: 22 March 2024
Symposium: 26 April 2024
Location: Online, via Zoom

Topics of interest include:

  • AI and law
  • Algorithmic fairness, accountability, and transparency
  • Ethics of AI
  • Generative AI and copyright law/competition law
  • Impact of technology on courts and the legal profession
  • Legal regulation, IT law, technology law
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLMs) and law
  • Social impact of AI technologies

This list is non-exhaustive, and submissions on related topics are welcome. Both empirical or theoretical work is welcome.

How to participate:

Students interested in participating in the event are asked to contact the MPI LTS organizers via by 1 March 2024. The e-mail should include:

  • The student’s name, field of study (eg, law, CS, social science, …), university affiliation and student status (pursuing an MSc or PhD degree
  • A provisional title of the proposed talk
  • A 200-word abstract summarizing the student’s research interests and topic of planned presentation.

Selected students will be notified by 22 March 2024, and requested to submit an extended abstract (1500–2000 words long). The extended abstracts will be distributed amongst the participants prior to the symposium. At this point, the final title of the talk must be submitted.

The symposium will take place online, via Zoom, on 26 April 2024. During the symposium, each student will be allocated a 25-minute time slot for a 15-minute presentation and a 10-minute discussion period.

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