
2nd Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Graduate Student Symposium

The 2nd Max Planck Law | Tech | Society Graduate Student Symposium will take place online via Zoom on 12 May 2023. As detailed in the program schedule, the Symposium will consist of presentations from 8 graduate students, followed by general discussions. The Symposium will be split into two sessions: a morning session that will take place between 10.00 and 12.00 CEST and an afternoon session that will take place between 14.00 and 16.00 CEST.

The Symposium will be open for attendance for all interested researchers, and we are looking forward to welcoming a diverse audience, to enable a lively discussion and feedback on interdisciplinary work. All researchers interested in attending the event are kindly asked to RSVP using the button below in order to receive the Zoom login details.


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