Career Development

Career Development

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Max Planck Law is committed to offering a series of events aimed at supporting researchers’ career development and promoting their success. Alongside the excellent skills and career development programmes offered by the Planck Academy and by many of the Institutes, Max Planck Law offers occasional events tailored to the particular needs of researchers in legal studies. Researchers may choose from all programmes to create their own development pathway—whether they are aiming for an academic career, considering other professional paths, or still exploring their options.

Our career development programme currently is organized around two main themes: skills and orientation. We are working towards adding mentoring as a third distinct strand. See below for more details..

Events run by the Planck Academy can be accessed through the Learning Management System on MAX. To display events of interest to particular groups of researchers, such as PhDs, Postdocs, or Research Group Leaders, go to ‘Training Center’,  ‘Advanced Search’ and then ‘Categories’. Please note: to access Planck Academy links researchers first need to log into the MAX intranet.

Our career development offer evolves in response to researchers’ needs and opportunities. Rather than following a fixed schedule, we organize targeted events that bring together experts and peers at opportune moments. This flexible approach allows us to respond to specific demands and take advantage of our extensive network of experts, including our growing alumni community, when they are available. Do let us know if you would like to propose an event on a specific topic:

All events run by Max Planck Law will be announced on our events page and in our newsletter.

We help our researchers develop both research and transferable skills that will be useful in a wide range of careers.

Research Skills

Approaches to Legal Research is a short residential course usually held in May at Harnack Haus in Berlin. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with topics including comparative perspectives, the uses of legal history, anthropological and sociological approaches, the economic analysis of law, quantitative approaches to legal research, and critical perspectives. Directors and postdocs from the nine Institutes in the Max Planck Law network will primarily present the sessions.

For more opportunities to engage with questions around methods and methodology, researchers are also encouraged to join the events organized by the Legal Research Methods Initiative.

Transferable Skills

The Planck Academy offers a regular, cross-disciplinary training programme in presentation and writing skills. Also available are events on leadership, project management, problem-solving, and related topics. To display events of interest to particular groups of researchers, such as PhDs, Postdocs, or Research Group Leaders, access the Learning Management System on MAX, then go to ‘Training Center’,  ‘Advanced Search’ followed by ‘Categories’.

In addition, at regular intervals, we hold events designed specifically for researchers at our nine Institutes covering specific academic skills. Examples include:

  • a grant writing workshop with successful grant holders who share their experiences with prestigious schemes such as ERC. Beyond formal training, researchers can draw on the expertise of Institute Directors and senior colleagues for proposal review and strategic advice.
  • an opportunity to meet subject editors from major publishing houses who provide insights into topics such as crafting compelling book proposals, choosing the right publisher and publication format, and building a coherent publication strategy. These sessions combine presentations with Q&A opportunities, allowing researchers to get direct answers to their publishing questions from industry experts.

Language Training

International researchers who would like to learn German and improve their English skills can access such courses through their Institutes.

Academic writing training that is particularly beneficial to those not writing in their first language is also available through the Planck Academy.

Research Life

Max Planck Law offers numerous opportunities to develop professional skills through active participation in our vibrant research community: researchers may attend Initiative events to broaden their horizons and discuss their research, they may help run an Initiative to build their academic networks and develop organizational skills; presenting their research at an Initiative workshop, at our Annual Conference Annual Conference, through our Perspectives series or on the Lawcast will help them build visibility in their field of research and develop a portfolio of presentational skills and experiences.

All these activities, while not formally labelled as careers training, not only enhance researchers’ CVs but also help build the professional networks and practical experience valued by future employers both in academia and beyond.


Awareness of diversity and diversity issues, the ability to work in international teams and understanding different academic cultures are essential for the professional development of researchers and for nurturing an inclusive and open research environment at our Institutes.

A range of resources is available through the Diversity page on MAX.

Diversity perspectives are integrated into many of the events we run, and they also feature in the discussions of many of our Initiatives. Participation is possible on an ad hoc basis, and all events are announced in our monthly newsletter.

Click here to see the Planck Academy training sessions in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Professional development is not just about academic and transferable skills. Of equal importance is guidance on how researchers can take control of their careers and determine the direction in which they would like to go, whether they are aiming for an academic or non-academic career, whether their focus will be on international options or on what is available in Germany.

Career Strategies

Events on career strategies and career options within and outside academia are continuously available through the Planck Academy. To display events of interest to particular groups of researchers, such as PhDs, Postdocs, or Research Group Leaders, access the Learning Management System on MAX, then go to ‘Training Center’,  ‘Advanced Search’ followed by ‘Categories’.

In addition, we periodically propose our own career strategy workshops, designed specifically for researchers at our Institutes.

Opportunities in Regional Markets

The structure of academic and non-academic labour markets varies hugely from country to country. Periodically, we offer events with experts drawn from the relevant sectors and from our network of alumni on career prospects, local conditions, and application strategies.

These events connect you directly with Max Planck Law alumni and senior academics who have first-hand experience of hiring processes in different countries. These sessions combine practical advice from early-career researchers who have recently secured positions with strategic insights from experienced scholars serving on hiring committees. Past sessions have focused on US law schools, European universities, and career opportunities for researchers without German state examinations.

For many of our researchers, German legal academia is an unfamiliar setting and not always easy to navigate. We also offer events on the structures of this particular academic job market and the career opportunities available there.

Minerva LAW

Within Max Planck Law, the Minerva LAW Network brings together female researchers pursuing a career in law for both academic discussions and career development events. High-profile speakers are regularly invited to share their career experiences and advice in an informal, confidential setting. Such events are listed in our Event Calendar as ‘Minerva LAW Career Talks’.


Time spent at a different institution in a different country can help researchers develop a range of communications and intercultural skills, allow them to build professional networks, get inspiration for their research, and broaden their horizons. Max Planck Law currently offers funded exchanges programmes with six partner universities, and many Institutes run their own exchange schemes.

A limited number of centrally-coordinated coaching and mentoring programmes is currently offered by the MPG:

  • Sign UP! is a structured career building programme for female postdocs offered centrally by the Max Planck Society. Participants will have to be nominated by their Director so please discuss your interest in participating with them at an early stage!
  • Minerva-FemmeNet is a network supporting female junior researchers in various ways, including through a mentoring scheme
  • confidential and free career coaching is currently available to all postdocs through the Planck Academy

We will also seek to develop our own mentoring programme drawing on the connections and expertise of all our Institutes’ alumni.
