Over the past year, researchers across Max Planck Law have consistently demonstrated a dedication to high-quality legal research, and this has not gone unnoticed. Their scholarly achievements have garnered a number of accolades, reflecting their impact in the academic community. This includes Max Planck Law Fellow Dan Nagin, who was elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Below are further awards received over the past year, not including Otto Hahn Medals that were covered previously.
- Philip M. Bender won the Bavarian Culture Prize 2023 for his dissertation. →
- Birke Häcker was awarded an honorary doctorate at the Faculty of Law at Stockholm University. →
- Caroline Glenk was awarded the Albert Hensel Prize 2023 for her dissertation. →
- Johanna Stark received the Princess Therese of Bavaria Prize for outstanding contributions to her field. →
- Corinna Coupette won the Caroline von Humboldt Award 2022 for her academic career and interdisciplinary research. →
- Jonathan Schindler received the Science Prize of the Munich Chamber of Tax Advisors 2022 for his dissertation →
- Ruji Auethavornpipat was awarded the re:constitution Fellowship with funding from Stiftung Mercator. →
- Janne Mende was awarded the Franz Xaver Kaufmann Prize for her dissertation. →
- Carolyn Moser won the award of the European Court of Auditors for her book on accountability of the EU (based on her PhD). →
- Anne Peters (Director) won the 2023 ESIL Collaborative Book Prize. →
- Raphael Schäfer was appointed Young Marsilius Fellow 2023–24. →
- Alexander Wentker was awarded the Helmuth-James-von-Moltke Prize for legal essays in the fields of security policy. →
- Thomas Duve (Director) was made an honorary fellow of the American Society for Legal History. →
- Bruno Lima won the Walter-Kolb-Gedächtnispreis for his dissertation. →
- Susanne K. Paas was awarded the Hermann-Conring-Preis for her book. →
- Anselm Küsters was awarded the Roman Herzog Research Prize for his dissertation. →
- Reinhard Zimmermann (Director Emeritus) was awarded the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize for his pioneering contribution to the Europeanization of legal studies. →
- Reinhard Zimmermann (Director Emeritus) was also awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Chile in recognition of his lifelong academic work and his far-reaching influence on legal scholarship in Latin America and Chile. →
- Simon Horn received the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Faculty of Law Doctoral Dissertation Award. →
- Konrad Duden won the Kurt Hartwig Siemers Prize for his postdoctoral dissertation →
- Konrad Duden also won an award from the Deutsche Stiftung für Recht und Informatik (German foundation for law and informatics) for his habilitation. →
- Jennifer Trinks received the Ernst Rabel Prize 2020 for her doctoral dissertation. →
- Andreas Humm received the Bucerius Law School prize for his dissertation. →
- Dominik Krell was awarded the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) Dissertation Award and the Association for Arabic and Islamic Law (GAIR) Dissertation Award →
- Andreja Krzic Bogataj was awarded ‘Young Lawyer of the Year 2022‘ by the Association of Slovenian Lawyers for her dissertation. →