
Legal Research in African Contexts

The workshop aims to foster a rich exchange of methodological, theoretical, and conceptual approaches to legal research on law-related issues in African countries. This event provides an excellent opportunity for participants to share their research experiences and methodologies in this context.

Participants may choose to deliver a 10-minute Impulse Talk on their research experiences and approaches related to Africa or present a peer-reviewed article of their choice focusing on African research. Article presentations should be 10–15 minutes long, covering the research problem, questions, methodology, major findings, rationale for article selection, and key strengths or flaws. Designated commentators will lead the discussion following each presentation.

We seek to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds and countries to discuss their perspectives and identify both commonalities and differences in our research methodologies. We look forward to your valuable contributions and insights!

For any queries, please contact Isaac Kunko.

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Legal Research in African Contexts

Find out more about the organizers of this event, the  Max Planck Law Initiative: Law and Africa

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